Специальный проект: Реферативный журнал «Полимерные материалы»

Учитывая большое количество зарубежных гостей на выставке RUPLASTICA-2025 – как экспонентов, так и посетителей, редакция решила в этот раз продублировать для них контент данного номера в виде реферативного сборника статей на английском языке, приведенного в конце номера.
Журнал «Полимерные материалы», редакция
Опубликовано в рубрике «Специальная тема»
145 просмотров
Специальный проект: Реферативный журнал «Полимерные материалы»

Special project: Abstract magazine «Polymer materials»

Considering the large number of invited guests at the RUPLASTICA-2025 exhibition – both exhibitors and visitors, a decision was made to edit it, which will duplicate the content of these issues for them in the form of an abstract collection of articles in English, given at the end of the issue.

Уважаемые коллеги!
Этот январский номер нашего журнала, который вы держите в руках или видите на экране вашего компьютера или мобильного устройства, – особый.
Во-первых, будучи приуроченным к главной отраслевой выставке RUPLASTICA-2025, он выпущен увеличенным тиражом в 9000 экземпляров, чтобы каждый желающий – будь то экспонент или посетитель выставки – мог его получить, причем бесплатно.
Во-вторых, учитывая большое количество зарубежных гостей на выставке RUPLASTICA-2025 – как экспонентов, так и посетителей, мы решили в этот раз продублировать для них контент данного номера в виде реферативного сборника статей на английском языке, приведенного в конце номера.
Традиционной для январского номера остается его главная тема – «Литье под давлением», которая дополняется в этот раз актуальными публикациями под рубриками «Интервью», «Экспертное мнение», «Материалы», «Наполнители», «Аддитивные технологии», «Рынки», «Отраслевые мероприятия».
Желаю полезного чтения.

Виктор Гончаренко, главный редактор

Dear colleagues!

This January issue of our magazine, which you hold in your hands or see on the screen of your computer or mobile device, is special.

Firstly, being timed to coincide with the main industry exhibition RUPLASTICA-2025, it was released in an increased edition of 9000 copies, so that everyone – whether an exhibitor or a visitor to the exhibition – could receive it, and for free.

Secondly, given the large number of foreign guests at the RUPLASTICA-2025 exhibition – both exhibitors and visitors, this time we decided to duplicate the content of this issue for them in the form of an abstract collection of articles in English, given at the end of the issue.

The main theme of the January issue remains traditional – «Injection Molding», which is supplemented this time by relevant publications under the headings «Interviews», «Expert opinion», «Materials», «Fillers», «Additive Technologies», «Markets», «Industry events».

I wish you a useful reading. Viktor Goncharenko, Editor-in-chief

Why it is necessary to visit the RUPLASTICA-2025 Exhibition


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Check out the updates

On the eve of the International Specialized Exhibition of Plastics and Rubber RUPLASTICA-2025 (21-24.01.2025, Expocentre Fairgrounds) – the largest polymer exhibition in Russia and the CIS – the editorial board of the magazine asked the organizers of the exhibition and several exhibitors just one, but partly provocative, question: «Why plastic processors (the main audience of our magazine) need to visit the exhibition and the stand of one or another exhibitor in the new season».

Kirill Piskarev, director of the project, said about this:

«RUPLASTICA-2025 will be a key event in the industry, where all current proposals in the field of plastics, as well as related industries – packaging and recycling are collected. We continue our course so that the processor can receive an offer along the entire chain of creation of a polymer product. Why is this especially important now? The fact is that the polymer market and related industries has changed a lot over the past few years. Suppliers have been replaced in almost all segments – in equipment, raw materials, etc. By visiting the expositions of RUPLASTICA, UPAKEXPO, RECYCLING SOLUTIONS and special projects MOLDS and STAMPS and ADDITIVE MINDED, the processor will get a complete picture of the industry – what technologies are available today, what alternative suppliers offer, what new brands have entered the market. The global cooperation map will be presented primarily by suppliers from China – there are about 500 of them. More than 70 exhibitors will come from Turkey, 30 from India, 25 from Iran, and companies from the UAE, Taiwan, Germany, Italy, Belarus and Kazakhstan will also complement the exposition. The largest exhibition area will be occupied by more than 500 exhibitors from 39 regions of Russia. In total, about 1,000 exhibitors are waiting for visitors».


Micro and macro worlds of plastic injection molding


Рис. 6. Пластиковые микрошестеренки размером с муравья (источник: PKT)

The trend in the development of the most common method of plastic products manufacturing– injection molding – remains its spread both towards the manufacture of increasingly small products and in the opposite direction. This contributes to the expansion of new areas of application of injection molding technology. What new do the worlds of micro and macro injection molding reveal to us today? The answer to this question is provided by a number of examples given in this review. An impressive example of micro-parts are not just small, but very tiny micro-gears the size of an ant – weighing less than 0.0006 g and with an outer diameter of 1.33 mm, mass-produced by the German company PKT. Obviously, this is a record in micro-casting today. As for macro injection molding, here, obviously, the JU88000 Jupiter series servo-hydraulic machine with a closing force of 8800 tons, an injection volume of 134 000 cm3 and a weight of 138 tons, designed for the production of large-sized plastic rainwater storage tanks, is a record in its size and weight. The overall dimensions of the machine are 27,2´9,5´6,1 m, the mounting plates are 5560´4920´1990 mm. If, at the end of this review, we ask ourselves a rhetorical question – whether to wait for new records in micro and macro injection molding of plastic products, then the answer to it will certainly be positive – of course, wait, and most likely not for long.

V. N. Mymrin, Dr.

Design and technological optimization of the part «cap»


This article describes a step-by-step experimental work to reduce the defects percentage during injection moulding of the large-sized part «cap» made of glass-filled polyamide with inserted threaded bushings made of brass. The defect was a leak in the place of contact of the bushings with the polymer material. Consistent measures to increase the adhesion of plastic to the bushings and change the composition of the polyamide compound have reduced the defects percentage, but not completely. In the course of further work, it was found that during the manufacture of these parts, three types of residual stresses arise, of which the most dangerous and leading to cracks and loss of tightness of the caps are tangential tensile stresses in the surface layer of the polymer material adjacent to the bushings. Ultimately, these stresses were completely eliminated by radically changing the design of the part. It was decided to abandon the use of inserted metal bushings and form threads during injection moulding directly in the polymer material using a threaded forming metal part. Thus, as a result of the implementation of a set of measures to increase the adhesion of the polymer material to the bushings, change the composition of the polymer compound and, finally, optimize the design of the part «cap» and the injection mould, it was possible to gradually reduce the defects percentage from 22 to 0 %. Along with the improvement of product quality, its cost was reduced due to the abandonment of purchased brass inserted elements and a reduction in labor costs for their installation in the mould.

Yu. P. Lozhechko, PhD

World record: 128 caps in 1.9 seconds


The new Cap-Line 4500 production line of Netstal (Switzerland) based on the Elios 4500 injection moulding machine provides the production of 128 miniature plastic caps for still water bottles in just 1.9 s. Such unprecedented injection moulding performance was achieved primarily due to a fully electric closing unit with a force of 4500 kN and a dry moving time of 1.4 seconds. In addition, the optimized barrier screw allowed, according to the manufacturers, not only to use a smaller injection unit, but also to provide a higher plasticizing ability and a better degree of homogenization of the polymer melt. Innovations also touched upon the design of the injection mould and the weight of the caps. Thanks to the innovative design of the mould, it was possible to make it as compact and lightweight as the previous 96-cavity mould. If compared with the 128-cavity analogues used so far, the compact design of the new mould and its lower weight make it possible to reduce the inertial loads on the closing unit and accelerate its movement, which explains such an ultra-short cycle time of less than 2 seconds. Alltrista company, for which the Cap-Line 4500 was developed, was able to reduce the weight of the caps by about 25 % compared to previous caps without affecting their functionality. As a result, by producing 3.1 billion caps annually, the company saves a total of more than 930 tons of raw materials, which roughly corresponds to the weight of 160 (!) elephants.


Virtual optimization of the plastic gear design


The product range of the German company MS-Schramberg includes plastic gears used in various industries. Before designing the injection mould for one of these parts, MS-Schramberg ordered Sigma Engineering company to optimize the design of this part, which was a gear made of polyphenylene sulfide PPS-GF40 weighing 5 g and with a diameter of 30 mm, reinforced with stiffeners. Practice shows that for the functioning of plastic gears, their warping after injection moulding is particularly dangerous, caused by uneven thickness of parts, shrinkage of the material and anisotropy of properties due to the presence of glass fibers as a filler. The aim of the project was to optimize the geometry of the part even before the production of the injection mould. For this purpose, Sigmasoft Virtual Moulding software was used, developed by Sigma Engineering specifically for modeling and optimizing injection moulding processes. A plan for a virtual full factor experiment was developed, in which the values of three factors varied at several levels: the number of stiffeners – from 6 to 12 in step of 1 (7 levels in total), the height of the stiffeners – from 0.6 to 1.2 mm in step of 0.1 mm (7 levels) and the width of the stiffeners – from 0.8 to 1.2 mm in step of 0.1 mm (5 levels). The optimal result as a result of 245 experiments, which did not require any materials and materials, was obtained almost instantly. The number and location of injection points were optimized just as quickly and using the same software. The results of the work made it possible to produce plastic gears of required quality already at the first acceptance of the injection mould and then proceed to their mass production.

W. Piecha, M. El Yaagoubi, K. Aschhoff


Оконные профили – один из наиболее крупных сегментов потребления ПВХ (источник: www.oknaplast.by)

In 2024, the plastics industry is facing unique challenges that require market participants to be flexible, creative and adapt quickly. The author analyzes the main trends in the market of additives for PVC processing and predicts its near future. The modern market is affected by global inflation, increase in costs for energy resources and transportation services, geopolitical instability and sanctions, as well as changes in trade routes and logistics. Europe has lost its position: factory closures and rising costs make production economically inefficient. These factors are pushing manufacturers to find more cost-effective solutions, which creates opportunities for Asian countries such as China and India. Under the conditions of sanctions, Russian companies are actively rebuilding supply chains, replacing manufacturers from unfriendly countries with partners from friendly or neutral states. In this situation, it is of particular importance to choose partners who not only ensure product quality, but are also able to effectively organize the payment and delivery process.

Next, the expert analyzes the state and prospects of various market segments of PVC additives (acrylic, MBS and CPE modifiers, stabilizers, titanium dioxide, antioxidants, wax, chalk, foamers). In conclusion, Georgy Soldatov concludes:

«Sanctions pressure, economic instability and market changes require flexibility in solution-making. The world will never go back to what it was yesterday. There will be no simple life, but, definitely, it will be very interesting».

G. Y. Soldatov

The use of silicon dioxide in polymer materials


Завершается строительство нового завода компании «РусСилика» по производству микронизированного силикагеля

Silicon dioxide in the form of micronized silica gel is increasingly being used in various industries, including the production of polymer materials. Its use as a filler can significantly improve the performance properties of the final products. For example, micronized silica gel, by creating micro-roughness on the surface of films, improves their anti-blocking properties and prevents sticking. This is especially important for packaging in order to ensure the reliability and safety of products. In addition, the filling the polymer with micronized silica gel allows not only to increase tensile strength, but also significantly improve heat resistance, which opens up new horizons for the use of polymer materials in various industries. Micronized silica gel also improves the processing of thermoplastic materials and composites, preventing clumping of pellets and increasing the fluidity of the material. Micronized silica gel also plays an important role in packaging production. It increases the durability of packaging materials and increases their resistance to physical and chemical influences, which is important in conditions of high humidity and mechanical loads. In recent years, micronized silica gel has become an important component in 3D printing, increasing the strength, heat resistance and durability of printed products and thus their competitiveness in the market. The appropriate brand of micronized silica gel is selected depending on the application of the polymer material based on it. Currently, the construction of a new plant of the RusSilica company for the production of micronized silica gel is being completed.

A. I. Zerkaev

Polymer perspectives



In the future, according to the governments plans and experts forecasts, the Russian petrochemical industry will continue to develop at a high pace due to the expansion of the use of plastics, government support and the launch of new modern facilities. According to an optimistic scenario, the volume of production of base polymers (PE, PP, PVC, PS, PET) in Russia in 2030 may grow to 14 million tons, i.e. almost double the level of 2023. Such calculations are contained in the target scenario of the revised Energy Strategy 2050 project, which was recently discussed at the Russian Ministry of Energy. In 2050, output figures should reach 18 million tons (an increase of 2.5 times compared to 2023), if all the announced projects of the gas and petrochemical development plan in Russia are implemented. Export of large-tonnage polymers from Russia, which amounted to 2 million tons in 2023, is expected to reach 7.1 million tons in 2030, and 8.5 million tons in 2050. According to the inertial scenario of Energy Strategy 2050, which takes into account only the implementation of projects under construction, the production and export of large-tonnage polymers, taking into account the risks of equipment supplies, will be lower than in the optimistic version. So, in 2050, their output will be less than 14 million tons, and supplies abroad will reach 5.4 million tons with imports of 1.1 million tons. The key export destinations in 2023 were Turkey, China, other Southeast Asian countries, as well as the CIS countries. In the future, these areas will remain the main ones for the sale of polyolefins from Russia, taking into account the competitiveness of Russian products, geographical proximity and affordable logistics.

K. A. Matveev

Polymer raw materials at the Fakuma-2024: new developments


This year’s Fakuma exhibition (15–19.10.2024, Friedrichshafen, Germany), in addition to innovations in the field of equipment and tooling, again presented many new developments in the field of polymer raw materials, of which only some of them are reflected in this review. For example, Borealis presented at the exhibition a new PP compound filled with 30 % fiberglass with a high (65 %) content of recycled PP obtained from consumer waste. In the future, this material will be used for the mass production of the center console supports of the new Peugeot 3008. The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology has developed a method for producing ultrahydrophobic organosilicon polymer coatings, which are an alternative to PFAS, which are currently used in many applications, but have long been criticized. Momentive has developed and manufactures an electroactive elastomer, on the basis of which dielectric actuators are manufactured. But here’s what’s interesting… In recent years, manufacturers of polymer raw materials have invested heavily in products and projects related to the theme of sustainable development and the closed-loop economy, and many of the novelties at the exhibition were still aimed at reducing the use of fossil raw materials in products and increasing their recyclability. However, this topic no longer had an overwhelming presence, as in the last seasons of the Fakuma exhibition or at the K-2019 and K-2022. Apparently, the difficult economic situation has forced many companies to focus on other issues, among which the issue of price is again coming to the fore.

S. N. Kolomiets

Generative design, artificial intelligence and 3D printing


Generative design and 3D printing technologies are already revolutionizing the development of innovative production processes and in production itself using artificial intelligence (AI). Generative design  is at the forefront of the Industry 4.0 today, like an army of engineers on your computer, using computational algorithms to create criteria-optimized models that almost always surpass the capabilities of human engineering. Generative design  combined with 3D printing technologies revolutionizes conceptual thinking and traditional methods of product design and production, ushering in a new era of efficiency, creativity and innovation. In 2023, the global market of products using AI, was estimated at $258.8 million. During 2024–2032 it can demonstrate an average annual growth rate of 15.06 % to $948.7 million by 2032. The global market for AI products reached $92.6 billion in 2023 and is expected to approach $737.1 billion in 2032 (source: Imarc Group). In turn, the global AI market for manufacturing, which was estimated at $3.2 billion in 2023, will reach $20.8 billion by 2028 (source: Markets and Markets). The volume of the global additive manufacturing market amounted to $20.04 billion in 2023 and will approach $100 billion in 2033 (source: Wohlers Report). This article discusses the basic principles of generative design  and the possibilities of its application in 3D printing using AI. It’s time to be one step ahead. Are you ready?

D. S. Trubashevsky

H Media: practical help for the development of your business


Results of 2024
More than 1,000 participants of 6 events in different cities, 8 technological visits, more than 100 interviews, 10 thematic webinars, 30+ partners – leading industry players

A new year has come – a year of new plans and achievements on the way to the success of each of us and, consequently, our industry as a whole. This will definitely happen, but only if there is mutual support. The staff of the industrial event agency H Media, which specializes in information and organizational support for enterprises in the chemical and oil and gas industries, is deeply convinced of this. Here is what Ekaterina Kosareva, founder of H Media LLC, says about this:

«For us, 2024 turned out to be decisive in terms of strategy and projects. We have launched an analytical agency and a new media outlet – the only one in Russia about the LNG market. We have opened a new direction – recruitment for the chemical and oil and gas industries. But our favorite business is still the organization of high-quality and useful business events. In this regard, the biggest achievement of the year was the holding of the «Capital of Chemistry» forum in Dzerzhinsk, which opened a series of events of a new format. These are regional events on a federal scale with a low cost of participation (practically free), with a regional agenda and therefore relevant; organized in partnership with the regional or regional government. We see the value in this approach and receive positive feedback from participants and our regional partners. There are many regions in the country with their own unique agenda in terms of the chemical industry, so we have a lot to develop in the near future».


Online registration of visitors for Rosmould | Rosplast 2025 is open


Six months remain until the opening of the anniversary industrial exhibitions for the mould, die, and polymer industries, Rosmould and Rosplast, which will take place in Moscow on June 17–19, 2025. The exhibitions will occupy four halls of Pavilion 1 at Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center, alongside the specialized additive technologies exhibition, 3D-TECH.

Rosmould 2025 is the 20th international exhibition for moulds, dies, tools, and manufacturing technologies. It is the only specialized exhibition for moulding and tooling in Eastern Europe. Rosmould has been held in Russia since 2006 and will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025, showcasing exhibits in the following product groups: Design and Product Development | Moulds. Die Moulds. Stamps | Equipment and Tools | Laser Equipment | Repair and Maintenance.

To register and get a free ticket

Rosplast 2025 is the 15th international exhibition of machinery and materials for plastic product manufacturing and will showcase the following product groups: Materials | Machinery and Technologies | Production Automation | Contract Manufacturing of Plastic Products | Recycling.

The total number of exhibitors for Rosmould | Rosplast | 3D-TECH already exceeds 400 companies (504 companies participated in 2024). The combined exhibition area for Rosmould | Rosplast along with 3D-TECH will exceed 20,000 m2. Prepare your visit to Rosmould | Rosplast 2025 now by registering for the exhibitions on the website www.rosmould.ru and receive a free ticket using the promo code RM25-DNJAY.

Gefera Media Ltd

Опубликовано в журнале «Полимерные материалы» № 1 (308) 2025 г., с. 55-61.

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